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Celonis Product Documentation

Celonis Platform overview

The Celonis Platform lets your team apply real-time business intelligence to the data in your systems.

The Celonis Platform has Process Mining Technology as its base, which supports the rest of Celonis products, from data gathering to exploring, analyzing, and devising solutions.

Your team in the platform is specific to your organization. It comprises members of your organization that your team admin invited. Note that the array of licensed products may differ depending on your team’s license.

The Celonis Platform comprises the following features:

  • Studio and PQL: Transparency into how your process runs

  • Data Integration: Flexible development platform for data integration projects. New Celonis Connector Technology

  • Marketplace: Instead of weeks of IT setup, install and setup Marketplace Apps with a couple of clicks

Process Analytics by Celonis provides you with insights into how your process is. With Process Discovery, process visualizations show you what’s happening in your processes; so you can quickly identify opportunities to increase revenue, free capital, and ensure customer satisfaction.

Studio and PQL overview


To learn more about Process Analytics and PQL, check out free online training tracks: Review and Interpret Analysis (3h) and Build Analysis Advanced (6h).

  • End-to-end solution: Data integration made with the process mining use case in mind.

  • Easy set-up: Configuration through an intuitive UI.

  • Up-to-date data: Small, frequent, and configurable delta loads.

  • Scalable and flexible infrastructure: Possibility of large data volumes both on-premise and in the cloud.

  • Multi-functional: SAP and other systems can be connected.

Data integration overview

Data Integration integrates and transforms data from many source systems into the Celonis Platform. It allows you to set up automatic data pipelines which provide a loaded data model to all other services in the platform. Its main benefits include:

More information on Celonis Data Integration can be found here: Data Integration.


To learn more about Data Integration, check out the free online training track: Get Data into Celonis Platform (6h).

Product release notes

For more information on recent changes in the Celonis Platform, see our Release Notes.