Setting up the object-centric data pipeline for the Sailfin Accounts Receivable app suite
For object-centric process mining, you’ll need to set up custom object types and event types in addition to the Accounts Receivable process from the Celonis catalog. Then load your data and schedule the data jobs to refresh it. You don’t need the Sailfin Accounts Receivable process connector if you’re using an object-centric data model. If you need to get help with any of the app’s prerequisites or setup steps, ask your Celonis point of contact (Account Executive or Value Engineer), or raise a Service Desk ticket as explained in Contacting Support.
Here’s how to set up the object-centric data pipeline:
If you haven’t already done this, set up the Accounts Receivable process from the Celonis catalog. Follow the instructions in Quickstart: Extract and transform your data into objects and events to complete these setup stages:
Set up data pools, create a Data Connection to your source system, and extract your data. Use the extractor package for the Accounts Receivable process.
Enable the Accounts Receivable process from the Celonis catalog.
Run the supplied extractions and transformations to create objects and events from your data.
If you already have the Accounts Receivable process (or all of the Celonis catalog processes) set up in your Celonis team, you don’t need to do this again.
In the data pool where you’re working with objects and events, load the standard Accounts Receivable perspective from the Celonis catalog with your built objects and events, and validate that it’s all working correctly. Loading and using perspectives has the instructions.
Use the step-by-step guide that we provide when you request the app on the Celonis Marketplace (see Installing the Sailfin Accounts Receivable app in your Celonis team), to customize the object-centric data model for the Sailfin apps. You’ll need to:
Set up the additional custom object types and event types that the Sailfin apps require to enable their use cases.
Add the transformations for the custom object types and event types.
Create a custom perspective based on the standard Accounts Receivable perspective.
Load your custom perspective with your built objects and events, and validate that it’s all working correctly.
Create a data refresh schedule in the data pool where you’re working with objects and events. The schedule will run the data jobs to extract data from your source system, extract data from the Sailfin app environment, and rebuild your objects and events to include the delta changes. Here’s how to create it:
In the data pool where you’re working with objects and events, click Create Schedule in the Data Processing area.
Enter a name for the schedule and click Create.
Choose a scheduling plan - we recommend a daily refresh. Set the time you want the schedule to run, and click Save.
Click Add Data Job and add the data jobs in the table below to the schedule, in the order shown in the table (the order is important):
Data Job
SAP Connection
SAP Extraction
Extracts data from the source system into Celonis.
SRM Connection
Salesforce Extraction
Extracts data from Salesforce (Sailfin app environment) into Celonis.
Global Scope
Pre OCPM Jobs
This job stores a snapshot of important tables (CustomerAccountItem). We’ll send you instructions to create it when you request the app.
Global Scope
“ocpm-data-job” (production) or “test:ocpm-data-job” (development), depending on whether you're running in production or development
Runs the transformations to update the objects and events with the latest data.
Global Scope
Post OCPM Jobs
This job compares the previous snapshot of important tables (CustomerAccountItem) with the new data received from your source system. We’ll send you instructions to create it when you request the app.