March 2025 Release Notes
STUDIO New tool editors in Process Copilot (2025-03-07)
The process for selecting the tools to be used by Process Copilots during configuration has been updated to allow users to select the specific tools they want to make available. Selecting the specific tools for a Process Copilot to use removes the possibility of users adding tools that are not necessary for their use case or selecting too many tools which can complicate the configuration and cause responses to be less accurate.
Users will still be able customize the tools used by their Process Copilots by configuring the tools in YAML.

Each tool has its own method for configuration that is specific to that tool’s intended use case. Each tool utilizes different fields, data, settings and configuration options that must be set when adding this tool to a Process Copilot. Some tools have the option to create a custom configuration or to be configured dynamically based on the questions submitted to the Process Copilot. Other tools will need to be configured using the YAML Editor.
Once added to the Process Copilot configuration, tools can be enabled or disabled using the toggle switch.
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For more information on configuring tools, see Tool Activation.
DATA INTEGRATION Extractor Builder - Improved user experience (2025-03-07)
This feature is currently available as a Private Preview only
During a Private Preview, only customers who have agreed to our Private Preview usage agreements can access this feature. Additionally, the features documented here are subject to change and / or cancellation, so they may not be available to all users in future.
For more information about our Private Preview releases, including the level of Support offered with them, see: Feature release types.
Extractor Builder is our Celonis Platform component that allows customers to connect to any source system exposing REST APIs. With this launch, we are introducing a new and improved guided user interface which simplifies and accelerates the data integration process.
The enhanced Extractor Builder now includes:
Improved navigation: Visual overview screen and new menu bar allowing for quicker navigation between the configuration pages.
Integrated data connection setup: Allowing the creating of a data connection as part of the process directly in Extractor Builder.
Simplified authentication configuration: Simplified process to select and configure the right authentication method by providing examples and in-product documentation.
Extraction tests and previews: Directly validate and test the extraction for an endpoint and retrieve a preview of your data.
For more information, head to Enhanced Extractor Builder (Private Preview).

STUDIO Annotation Builder Automation and Scheduling (2025-03-06)
The Annotation Builder asset in Studio is adding a new feature that allows users to automatically run an Annotation Builder on new data each time the Data Model is reloaded. This feature is intended to simplify the annotation process in use cases where the Data Model is updated frequently by running the Annotation Builder automatically when new rows are added.

Users can activate this feature by clicking the Automate & Scheduling button on the Agent Builder screen and selecting the “Run AI Annotation Builder on each Data Model reload” option. Once enabled, this Annotation Builder will automatically annotate any new rows added when the Data Model is reloaded.
For more information, see Running your Annotation Builder.
STUDIO Event explorer and throughput time explorer components added to Views (2025-03-05)
You can now add both event explorer and throughput time explorer components to your Studio Views, giving you greater process visibility.
Event explorer component: This component displays event logs from your Knowledge Model (KM), giving your app users the ability to click on available events and view further details
To learn more about the event explorer component, see: Event explorer.
Throughput time explorer component: The throughput time (TPT) explorer component allows you to select starting (from) and finishing (to) events in that process and understand the duration between them. If you can identify areas where there are backlogs, bottlenecks, or slowdowns, you can then address these and improve efficiency. Quicker throughput times increase return on investment (ROI) and profitability.
For more information about the throughput time explorer component, see: TPT explorer.
DATA INTEGRATION JDBC extractor 3.6.0 requires Java 21 (2025-03-03)
If you're currently using the JDBC extractor, our latest upgrade (3.6.0 onward) requires you to update to Java v.21 before starting the upgrade.
You can find access JDBC extractor 3.6.0 by clicking Admin & Settings - Download Portal.
For more information about the JDBC extractor, see: Updating the on-premise JDBC extractor.

STUDIO Enhanced dropdowns in View filters (2025-03-03)
When filtering a table or using an input dropdown in Studio or published Apps, you can now use the following enhanced features:
Shortcuts to allow you to quickly filter to included or excluded values in your Views or within your filtering list.
Type a string in the search bar to quickly filter in bulk by including or excluding values that match the query.
Range filtering for number dimensions values to allow you to filter your View by more precise numerical values.
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For more information about configuring tables in Studio, see: Tables.
And to learn more about configuring input dropdowns in Studio, see: Filter components.