Modifications to the Data Model
The Value Discovery App needs a new table added in the Data Model using the following steps:
Go to the Data Integration section of Celonis and select the Data Pool that you are using for the Starter Kit.
Click Data Jobs and then click on New Data Job with the option to add it as a Global (no data connection). We recommend naming it "Create Inefficiency Table".
Click on New Transformation. We recommend naming it "Create Inefficiency Table" and without any task template.
Paste the code provided below.
Select all code and click the Execute button.
Go to the Data Model that you are using for the Starter Kit. Add the INEFFICIENCIES table via the Add Tables button and then click Finish.
Reload the Data Model.
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS INEFFICIENCIES; CREATE TABLE INEFFICIENCIES ( INEFFICIENCY_NAME VARCHAR(100), TIME_TO_VALUE VARCHAR(100), BUSINESS_OBJECTIVE VARCHAR(100)) ; INSERT INTO INEFFICIENCIES (INEFFICIENCY_NAME,TIME_TO_VALUE,BUSINESS_OBJECTIVE) SELECT 'Duplicate Invoices','A - Low','Spend' UNION SELECT 'Lost Cash Discount','A - Low','Spend' UNION SELECT 'Early Payments','B - Medium','Working Capital' UNION SELECT 'Late Payments','A - Low','Labor Productivity' UNION SELECT 'Manual Invoice Posting','C - High','Labor Productivity' UNION SELECT 'Short Payment Terms','B - Medium','Working Capital' UNION SELECT 'Manual Payment Block Changes','B - Medium','Labor Productivity' UNION SELECT 'Manual Invoice Clearing','C - High','Labor Productivity' UNION SELECT 'Manual Payment Term Changes','B - Medium','Labor Productivity' UNION SELECT 'Invoices w/ Retrospective POs','A - Low','Spend' UNION SELECT 'Invoices without Purchase Order','A - Low','Spend' UNION SELECT 'Manual Baseline Date Changes','B - Medium','Labor Productivity' UNION SELECT 'Baseline Date Decreases','B - Medium','Working Capital' UNION SELECT 'Payment Term Decreases','B - Medium','Working Capital' UNION SELECT 'Unfavorable Payment Terms','B - Medium','Working Capital' UNION SELECT 'Multiple Payment Terms per Vendor','B - Medium','Working Capital'