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Celonis Product Documentation

Planned releases

The features listed below will be released in the next two to four weeks. The information provides advance notification about new features. The dates are subject to change. However, we strive to keep the date information as accurate as possible, giving daily updates.

You can find information about released features in our Release Notes and documentation.


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Process Adherence Manager (2024-07-11)

Re-creation of current Process Adherence Manager assets required

We’re changing how assets are created in Process Adherence Manager (PAM). Currently, you create PAM assets using object-centric data models (also known as perspectives). From 2024-07-11, you’ll create PAM assets based on knowledge models that are defined on top of object-centric data models. Changes you’ll notice are:

  • PAM assets will be consistent with Studio assets, including in Process Explorer in Views.

  • Object types will be replaced by event logs so you’ll no longer see discrepancies with event logs used elsewhere in the Celonis Platform.

  • More flexible modeling and analysis as event logs in object-centric data models use the PQL CREATE_EVENTLOG function.

  • Global filters defined in knowledge models will be automatically applied to PAM assets.

  • We'll be removing charts and tables and Event-Object relation and Event property filters.


Any PAM assets created before 2024-07-11 will be available from 2024-07-11 as read-only assets only. After 2024-09-11, they’ll be irretrievably removed. To continue using them, you’ll need to re-create any PAM assets created before 2024-07-11 between 2024-07-11 and 2024-09-11.

Re-creating assets involves reconstructing the target model for each asset and re-defining any preset filters. We envisage it will take less than 15 minutes to re-create each PAM asset. We’ll provide detailed information about how to re-create your PAM assets on 2024-07-11.

Studio (2024-07-08)

Managing Studio color themes

You can now create and manage color themes on a global and package level within your Celonis Platform team, allowing you to add your brand colors to your Studio components. This includes selecting primary, secondary, context, and semantic colors using a color selector or by entering a HEX code.


You can then use these colors for your chart, table colors, and with a KPI list when configuring your Studio View.

For more information about Studio color themes, see: Managing Studio color themes.


Network Explorer - Color Mapping (July 2024)

Simplified the interface by creating reusable color rules for use in the Network Explorer component. You can create a color map and assign specific colors to a value:


Those associated colors would then display in Network Explorer to indicate where that value is shown:
