There are several ways how the App can be embedded into the day-to-day work of the respective team. The working mode should be aligned with how the team is currently processing invoices and how they want to process invoices in the future.
The App can be used for multiple use cases, but it’s also possible to use it only for specific ones. Ideally, this should be clarified before implementation so that there’s no effort invested in practices that are not relevant. Among others, we have identified the following use cases:
Transparent invoice backlog of parked and blocked invoices, smartly prioritized.
Invoice Aging analysis of open invoices.
Identification of parking and blocking reasons by providing detailed insights into Three-Way-Match information and getting insights into the GR and PO history, all at one place.
Open the invoice in SAP with one click using the SAP Web GUI.
Customize and add actions to communicate and collaborate with other stakeholders such as Procurement (see Skill Configurations).
Use the Invoice Backlog to manually or automatically orchestrate invoices (see Invoice Orchestration).