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Math functions

Use a math function to apply mathematical operations to data. For example, math functions let you get an average of an array, round a value up or down, or change the format of a number (1 000 000 to 1,000,000 or 1.000.000). Below is a list of supported math functions and a brief description of each one.

abs (number)

Returns the absolute value of an integer.

abs( -5 )

= 5

abs( 5 )

= 5

abs( 0 )

= 0

abs( -3.7 )

= 3.7

average ([array of values]) average(value1; [value2], ...)

Returns the average value of the numeric values in a specific array, or the average value of numerical values entered individually.

ceil (number)

Returns the smallest integer greater than or equal to a specified number.

ceil( 1.2 )

= 2

ceil( 4 )

= 4

floor (number)

Returns the largest integer less than or equal to a specified number.

floor( 1.2 )

= 1

floor( 1.9 )

= 1

floor( 4 )

= 4

formatNumber (number; decimalPOINTS; [decimalSeparator]; [thousandsSeparator])

Returns a number in the requested format. Decimal point is `,` by default, Thousands separator is `.` by default.

formatNumber( 123456789 ; 3 ; , ; . )

= 123.456.789,000

max ([array of values]), max(value1;value2; ...)

Returns the largest number in a specified array, or the largest number among numbers entered individually.

median ([array of values])

Returns the median of the values in a specified array, or the median of numbers entered individually.

median( 3; 5; 7 )

= 5

median( 2; 3; 5; 8 )

= 4

median( 2.5; 3.5; 2; 4.5; 1 )

= 2.5

min ([array of values]), min(value1;value2; ...)

Returns the smallest number in a specified array, or the smallest number among numbers entered individually.

parseNumber (number; decimal separator)

Parses a string with a number and returns the number.

Example: parseNumber( 1 756,456 ; , )

round (number)

Rounds a numeric value to the nearest integer.

round( 1.2 )

= 1

round( 1.5 )

= 2

round( 1.7 )

= 2

round( 2 )

= 2

stdevP ([array of values])

Returns the standard deviation of a specified array of population values, or the standard deviation of numbers entered individually.

stdevP( 1; 2; 3; 4; 5)

= 1.4142135623730951

stdevP( {{array}} )

stdevS ([array of values])

Returns the standard deviation of a specified array of sample values, or the standard deviation of numbers entered individually.

stdevS( 1; 2; 3; 4; 5)

= 1.5811388300841898

stdevS( {{array}} )

sum ([array of values]), sum(value1;value2; ...)

Returns the sum of the values in a specified array, or the sum of numbers entered individually.

trunc (number)

Truncates a number to an integer by removing the fractional part of the number.

trunc( 3.789)

= 3

trunc( 3.789; 2)

= 3.78

trunc( -3.789; 2 )

= -3.7

trunc( 123.456; -2 )

= 100