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Using bookmarks in legacy views

Legacy Studio content

You're currently viewing a topic describing a feature or process based on using legacy views in Studio. Legacy Views are those created using the pre-May 2024 Studio feature set (previously referred to as the general availability feature set). While these views can still be created within Studio, we recommend using the enhanced Studio experience and view editing interface.

For more information, see: Views.

Bookmarks allow you to save your user preferences (including filters, selections, component states) of a View and share them with your team. Click the Save and visit bookmarks icon bookmarks_icon.png in the upper right to access your bookmarks and the related options.


Bookmarks are available in view mode in Studio and Apps. Bookmarks are not available in edit mode.



Bookmarks are deleted automatically after 180 days if they are not used or if the associated assets or spaces are deleted.

Opening a bookmark
  1. Open a View.

  2. Select a bookmark to open it.

    • Recently visited shows the five most recently visited bookmarks.

    • Manage all bookmarks shows all bookmarks that you have created or that have been shared with you.

Creating a bookmark
  1. Open a View.

  2. Select Create bookmark.

  3. In the Create bookmark window, enter a name for the bookmark.

  4. Select the Share with everyone who can access this view check box to share this view with other users.

  5. Click Create.

Updating a bookmark
  1. Open a View.

  2. Click Update bookmark.

  3. Select the bookmark that you want to update. The bookmark is updated automatically to match the current View.

Sharing bookmarks
  1. Open a View.

  2. Share your bookmark with your team:

    1. during bookmark creation by selecting the Share with everyone who can access this view check box;

    2. or later on in while managing your bookmarks by clicking the Share with Team icon.

Using dates in bookmarks

If you save a bookmark that refers to the current date (which would be equivalent to the TODAY() function in PQL), the actual value of the date you save it is used. For example, if you save the bookmark on January 31, 2024, that date is locked into the logic permanently.

To create a bookmark that automatically updates with the current value of today each time it is used, we recommend that you create a dropdown with PQL such as this:

CASE WHEN PU_LAST ( "VBAK" , ROUND_DAY ( "VBKD"."FKDAT" ) ) <= TODAY() THEN 'Billing Date in the past/today' ELSE 'Billing Date in the future' END

The TODAY() function will be evaluated each time you use the dropdown and will always represent the actual calendar date.