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Celonis Product Documentation


Quickstarts gives you an easy way to explore the value of Celonis Platform. They're accessible to users who don't have very much knowledge about Celonis Platform. We've created them to automate the process of ingesting your data so that you can quickly move on to explore it.

To get started, here's what you'll do:

  1. Pick a business process you want to explore.

  2. Determine what relevant data from your existing systems you'll need to ingest into Celonis Platform.

  3. Gather that data.

  4. Use Quickstarts to ingest the data into Celonis Platform.

  5. Use the functionality of Business Miner to begin your investigation.

What data can I work with?

You can work with data from common source systems that you probably already have in your data infrastructure. You can also work with event logs from any source system.

Quickstarts currently support these common source systems:

  • SAP

  • Oracle

  • Salesforce

  • ServiceNow

Celonis Platform already understands the data structures that these systems use, so it is easy to ingest the data from them.

Alternatively, you can upload any data that is formatted as an event log. Remember, an event log is a structured table of data that has three elements:

  • A timestamp

  • An activity

  • A case ID

Quickstarts can read event logs in these formats:

  • CSV and XLSX

  • Google Sheets

  • XES