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Celonis Product Documentation

Update from an earlier version of Monitoring

Updating to the latest Monitoring version allows you to leverage newly created operational dashboards to gain end-to-end insights into your data pipelines, oversee data consumption, and track Replication Cockpit executions.


A dialogue indicating the availability of a new version displays the first time you open the Monitoring Pool after that update was made available.

  1. Go to Data Integration and open the Monitoring Pool.

  2. Click on the Versioning icon in the upper right corner of the screen.

    Screenshot showing the location of the Versioning icon on the Data Pool screen.
  3. If you have not made any changes to the Schedules, Transformations, or Data Models in the Monitoring Pool:

    • Select the new version (2.0.0) from the list and load the new version.

      Sample screenshot showing how to select a new version of Monitoring and the location of the "Load Version" button.
    • All changes are backward compatible, so the new version allows you to use the Monitoring analyses introduced in the previous version of the Custom Monitoring.

    If you have made changes to the Schedules, Transformations, or Data Models in the Monitoring:

    • These changes must be migrated manually. Select the new version (2.0.0) and the previous state of your Monitoring Pool that has been saved automatically to determine whether any changes you introduced to the Monitoring Pool need to be migrated.

      Screenshot showing how to compare versions of Monitoring and show the differences.
    • Store these changes (Transformations, Data Model changes) in a secure location, then activate the new version as described above, and reintroduce your changes manually.

      Sample image of the Changes screen showing the differences found after comparing versions of Monitoring.
Update installed assets

If you previously installed the Monitoring assets from the Marketplace, you can choose to install the Marketplace package again, or you can update your existing package.

To update the installed package, follow the steps below.

  1. Navigate to your Monitoring package (formerly called Data Pipeline & Consumption Monitor) in Studio.

  2. Click on the three-dot menu and select Settings.

    Screenshot showing the location of the Settings option on the Package menu.
  3. Click the Dependencies tab.

    Screenshot of the Settings screen showing the location of the Dependencies tab.
  4. Click the Update Available button in the Version column.

    Sample image of the Settings screen highlighting the "Update Available" button.
  5. Click the Update button in the lower right corner of the pop-up window. If you want to remove the previously installed Monitoring analyses, deselect the “Duplicate copied assets before update” option before clicking the Update button.


    If you have previously published this package, you will be able to roll back to a previous version.

    Screenshot showing the screen used to update versions of the Monitoring function and an overview of past updates.
  6. Go to the package’s Variables section.

    Screenshot of the Settings screen showing the location of the Variables tab.
  7. Update the apc_limit and team_url variables which store your team’s APC limit (if applicable) and your team’s URL. These variables are used in the Monitoring Views to correctly display your teams’ APC usage as a percentage and to provide a direct link from the Monitoring Views to the execution logs in Data Integration.

    Screenshot showing the location of the apc_limit and team_url variables used for Monitoring Views.
  8. Click the Publish Package button in the upper right to propagate your changes and make the newly installed assets available in Apps.

    Screenshot showing the location of the Publish Package button on the Settings screen.