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Celonis Product Documentation

February 2023 Release Notes

Celonis Platform Connector for Power BI 1.0.1 (2023-02-01)
Authenticate from Power BI with a personal API key

When you set up a connection from Microsoft Power BI to Celonis Platform, you can now authenticate with your Celonis Platform personal API key, as an alternative to the Celonis Platform Connector for Power BI's application key. For the connector documentation, see Celonis Platform Connector for Power BI.

Parked & Blocked Invoices App 1.0.10 (2023-02-10)
GA app release for processing parked and blocked invoices

The Parked & Blocked Invoices App for Accounts Payable is now fully validated and has achieved GA status. The app intelligently prioritizes parked and blocked invoices, taking into account both the open and realizable cash discount and the net due date, to help you maximize your cash discounts and on-time payments. The app also supports you to resolve blocks and post parked invoices, by highlighting the root causes such as changes to price and quantity. For the app documentation, see Parked & Blocked Invoices App.

Credit Memo Aging App 0.0.7 (2023-02-01)
LA release of credit memo management app

The Credit Memo Aging App is a purpose-built application to show all your open, posted credit memos and their age.

  • You can sort credit memos by their potential realizable value, and into different buckets (such as blocked and non-blocked).

  • For each credit memo the app shows you all your open invoices that could be cleared by it - so that you can apply it to something you are already purchasing.

The Credit Memo Aging App is in Limited Availability status. Ask your Celonis Platform contact, or request the app in Marketplace, if you want to try it out.

Order Management Starter Kit 1.7.2 (2023-02-01)
New views and reduced complexity
  • We've added two inefficiency views to help you with on-time delivery - Slow Processing and Insufficient Material Availability.

  • The Seller Rejection and Customer Cancellation inefficiency views now have fewer settings for you to configure, and give more accurate results.

  • We've simplified the in-app documentation structure so that there are fewer embedded views.

Inventory Management Starter Kit 1.2.1 (2023-02-02)
New KPIs and Knowledge Model enhancements
  • We've added recommendation logic for safety stock and reorder points to the master Knowledge Model to support Master Data Improvement use cases.

  • New KPIs let you compute inventory projection for individual materials or entire plants.

  • We've made changes to the KPI structure to reduce nesting and increase performance.

The Starter Kit documentation is at Inventory Management Starter Kit.

Inventory Management Control Center 1.2.1 (2023-02-02)
Inventory projections and group level KPIs
  • You can view inventory projections for individual materials or for the entire organization.

  • We've added KPIs at plant and material group level, together with profile views to deep dive on them.

  • We've reworked the main consumption and replenishment charts to improve performance.

The documentation for the app is at Inventory Management Control Center.

Inventory Management Master Data Improvement App 1.1.0 (2023-02-02)
Revamped app with enhanced recommendations and simulation feature
  • A new simulation feature lets you change input parameters and examine the impact on recommended safety stock and reorder points.

  • You can now make bulk updates to the parameters for multiple SKUs at once.

  • You can deep dive on the app's recommendations by analyzing consumption, lead time data, and trends at a granular level.

  • The app now prioritizes materials based on the deviation between planned and actual safety stock.

We've also created a Lead Time recommendation model that uses machine learning to remove biases and outliers and determine accurate lead times. This model is in Limited Availability status - ask your Celonis Platform contact if you want to learn more.

For the Master Data Improvement app documentation, see Inventory Management Master Data Improvement.

Action Flow notifications (2023-02-28)
Working with notifications is simpler

We’ve updated the design of Action Flow notifications, and made it easier to unsubscribe from specific notifications about errors, warnings, or deactivation of an Action Flow. See Action Flow notifications for the documentation.

Asset downloads (2023-02-28)
Download Portal for Extractors and other on-premise assets

We've created a download portal where admins and analysts in productive teams can get the newest versions of these Celonis on-premise assets:

  • Extractor for SAP ECC and S/4 HANA (RFC Module and Extractor agent)

  • JDBC Extractor packages for databases

  • Python Extractor package

  • Celonis on-prem Agent for automation

  • CDS Views for S/4 HANA Public Cloud

These assets were previously available from links in the documentation. Now you can go to Admin and Settings > Download Portal to get and update them, and to see the release notes. You'll need to be an Admin or an Analyst with the permission MANAGE DOWNLOAD PORTAL for access.

Data Connections (2023-02-24)
Share different tables with each target Data Pool

When you share a Data Connection with other Data Pools, you can now choose a different subset of tables to share with each target Data Pool. For a shared Data Connection, Celonis Platform creates views for the selected tables in the target Data Pool, and doesn’t duplicate the data.

When you use the "Share Data with other Data Pools" option from the context menu for a Data Connection, turn off the "Use configuration for all target data pools" slider to create a separate export configuration for each target Data Pool.

SAP RFC Module 3.5.0 for SAP Extractor 3.12.0 (2023-02-28 )
Improved performance and use of hints
  • We've refactored the RFC Module to improve extraction performance, especially for tables with many columns. Based on our internal tests, you could see performance improvements in the range of 30 to 60%.

  • For SAP HANA databases, you can make further performance and load improvements by providing hints to the extraction queries. You can hint the preferred data source (snapshot or live data), and how many seconds the retrieved data can lag behind the live data.

Version 3.5.0 of the SAP RFC Module is designed to work with Version 3.12.0 of the SAP Extractor, and some of these enhancements require that Extractor version.

Extractor Builder (2023-02-23)
Nested request parameters

When you define a REST API endpoint in Extractor Builder, you can now nest one request parameter inside another in the API request. For example, you can use this capability for APIs that expect filters to be combined in a single query parameter. Pick "Do not use in request, but as parameter" when you add a request parameter that you want to nest.

Administrator notifications (2023-02-28)
Five new notification types

We've added some more notification types for your Celonis Platform team's admins. You can toggle these on and off in Admin and Settings > Notifications, and select which admins get emails in these situations:

  • An application key is added, updated, or deleted.

  • A user is removed from the team.

  • A user's personal API key is added or deleted.

  • The team's privacy settings are changed.

  • SSO configuration is added or the team's SSO configuration is changed.

See System notifications for more on these settings.

Studio tracking service (2023-02-23)
Views for adoption of Studio and app assets

For teams with over 80 users, the Studio tracking service collects usage data for assets in Studio and the Business Apps. It lets you see what views and assets are being created and modified by your team members. In earlier versions, you could download the Studio adoption data as a CSV file, and build your own views to analyze it. We've now added ready-made views that let you explore and filter the collected data by package, asset, user, and group. For setup instructions for the tracking service, see Platform adoption.

User locking policy (2023-02-28)
SCIM support for enhanced user locking

When you enable user locking policy (Admin and Settings > User locking policy), disused Celonis Platform user accounts are locked, and optionally also removed from the team, after a number of days of inactivity. We've added support for the SCIM protocol so that user locking decisions can be informed by active directory entries. Users who don't accept their invites to Celonis Platform and remain in the "Invited" state can now be locked and removed automatically. See User locking policy for the details.

Views (2023-03-02)
Reset a View to the default state

You can now use a single-click action to revert all your custom settings for a View and return it to its default state. Click "Restore default View" in the View settings to remove all the filters, variable values, sort orders, column or KPI visibility, and other customizations that you have applied to a View.

Display mode for Views

We've added a display mode in the View settings, which shows the View alone on a screen with no distractions. In display mode, all navigation elements and surrounding browser elements are removed, but the View continues to operate as normal. It's a great way to display a View on a shop floor monitor or a similar public screen.

Knowledge Models and KPIs (2023-02-15)
Dynamic KPI targets in Knowledge Models

You can now define target values for KPIs directly in a Knowledge Model, either by specifying a fixed value or by using a PQL statement. If you use PQL, the value can be dynamic and filtered in Views, unlocking new use cases. You can choose whether end users can edit the target KPI value in Views or not.

Second custom impact calculation for Execution Gap

You can add a second impact calculation of your choice to the anomaly setup in the Knowledge Model. In Views, it'll appear as an extra impact column in the Execution Gap component for the relevant KPIs. At the moment you can only do this using YAML - it's the "SecondImpact" configuration. See Execution Gap List for setup instructions.