Configuring an on-premise extractor
When configuring your on-premise extractor, you need to edit the application-local.yml file used.
This YML is comprised of the following fields:
enabled: Add true if the extractor should be activated, false otherwise.
url: Add the Celonis platform team that the data is sent to. The format to use is:
clientId: Add the client ID of the uplink endpoint that you have already set-up.
clientSecret: Add the client secret of the uplink endpoint that you have already set-up.
To use a proxy for this, see: Proxy settings for on-prem clients.
To secure your client secret using Vault, see: Using Vault as a Password Provider to secure the clientSecret
parallelThreads: Set the maximum parallel extractions limit by entering a number between 5 and 40 here.
An example YML configuration is below:
uplink: enabled: <true or false> url: <url for uplink> clientId: <client id> clientSecret: <client secret> parallelThreads: <number between 5 and 40>