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Celonis Product Documentation

October 2023 Release Notes

Last month to migrate from Process Analytics to Studio Analysis (October 2023)

Studio Analysis is replacing Process Analytics. If you’re still using Process Analytics, migrate your analyses to Studio Analysis this month. We’re removing access to Process Analytics on or after October 31, 2023.

You’re likely to have Process Analytics on your Celonis Platform team if you became a Celonis customer in April 2021 or earlier. If you don't have Process Analytics on your Celonis Platform team, or if you are on Celonis 4, no action is required. To check, look for the Process Analytics icon in the navigation bar.

Process Analytics and Studio Analysis have the exact same look and feel, so you can resume working with your analyses in Studio without any additional training. Studio also has the latest capabilities and user experiences in app-building and automation.

Business Miner (2023-10-31)
Share an Insight or a Process Workspace with users outside your team

Users of Business Miner can now share an Insight or a Process Workspace with anyone by providing their email address in the sharing dialog. Users who are Admins can add that user to the Celonis Platform team right away. Users who aren’t Admins can generate an email request to the team’s Admins with their justification for adding the new member. When an Admin approves the request, the recipient gets an email with information on the asset that’s being shared with them.

An Admin needs to enable this feature in Admin & Settings before users can access it, then configure the email notifications. If you don’t want your users to make these requests, you can leave the feature disabled. See Sharing with non-team members for more information.

Workforce Productivity (powered by Task Mining) (2023-10-31)
Custom labeling for your Task Mining data (Limited Availability)

You can now create custom labels for your processed Task Mining data, to apply your own readable and meaningful application and screen names. Use our no-code label editor to create and manage your labeling rules. We've also reduced the number of default labels, and reformatted and reviewed them for quality.

Custom labels and the no-code editor are in Limited Availability status. You'll need to create a new project to get the capability. If you want to try this feature out, get in touch with your Celonis point of contact.

For the documentation for Workforce Productivity (powered by Task Mining), see Task Mining.

Administrators (2023-10-30)
Control analyst access to Action Flow assets (Limited Availability)

You now have the option to control which analysts can access Action Flows to view, edit, and activate them. When you request activation of this feature, we’ll remove access to Action Flows for users with the Analyst role by default. You can enable access for the users or groups that you want in the Action Flow section of the Permissions pane in Admin & Settings.

Users without access can't see Action Flows, and can't activate Action Flows, though they can still publish a package that contains them. Users with the Admin role always have access to Action Flows.

This option is in Limited Availability status. If you’d like us to activate this solution in your team, ask your Celonis point of contact.

Workforce Productivity (powered by Task Mining) (2023-10-30)
Everyone can scale projects up to 2500 concurrent users and 6 months of data (General Availability)

After our successful Limited Availability phase, we’re giving all customers of Workforce Productivity (powered by Task Mining) the capability to create projects with up to 2500 concurrent users, and analyze on average 6 months of historical data. Selected regions will see the new capability immediately, and everyone will get it on 30 October.

Subject to licensing, you’ll benefit from the new user limit whenever you create a new project. You’ll also see that the package’s new delta architecture processes incoming data ready for analysis typically within 1 to 3 hours. Our new views simplify all the analysis features available in the previous version of the package. You’ll also get the Team Insights view which lets you calculate metrics for a subset of defined users, such as teams, regions, or roles.

Because your existing projects are built on the older data model, we can’t migrate them automatically. You won’t see the new user limit, views, and processing speed for existing projects. If you want to upgrade and scale up an existing project, you’ll need to set it up again as a new project and manually adapt the views and analysis to work with the new schema. If you’d like to do this, get in touch with your Celonis point of contact.

The 6-month average time for historical data analysis is based on the maximum permitted number of users sending a typical amount of Task Mining events daily. The actual limit is 1.6 billion events, so if you have fewer users in your project or they send fewer events than expected, you can analyze the data for a proportionally longer timeframe. We might also be able to help you in certain scenarios to roll out beyond the upper limit of 2500 concurrent users. Realm-specific limits on the number of concurrent users might affect your maximum scalability.

To learn more about Workforce Productivity (powered by Task Mining), see Task Mining.

Process Adherence Manager (2023-10-26)
Exploration enhancements and detailed insights
  • The Deviation Explorer now classifies surfaced issues into events that are missing, occurred too often, are out of sequence, or violate an exclusive gateway design (formerly called an “unexpected event” - this means that two possible events both happen at a point in the process that only one should, or an expected event in a series doesn't occur at all). We give you detailed insights specific to each type of issue and each event, surfacing the attributes and values with which the inconsistency is highly correlated.

  • We've enhanced your exploration with new capabilities that let you search for variants that include one or more specific event types, see a preview of a variant when you hover over it, and view deviations as overlays on the model.

  • During modeling, you can now add events to any edge, and delete events and loops from the model. Self loops are now stored in the target model.

  • You can save a combination of exploration filters and deviation filters as a Knowledge Model filter that you can apply in other Studio assets. Users can also copy a set of exploration filters to other views in the same package.

  • We’ve made some usability improvements, renaming buttons and titles to be more helpful, and improving error handling.

Process Adherence Manager was previously called Process Sphere.

SAP Ariba Extractor (2023-10-18)
Extract EventSummaryFact table with Sourcing API

We’ve added support for extracting the EventSummaryFact table through the Sourcing API. This table provides additional events and timestamps for use cases in the sourcing domain. If you have a connection to the Sourcing API, you’ll see the table in the extraction configuration, and you don’t need to make any changes.

Administrators (2023-10-12)
Bulk copy Studio packages and data pools between your Celonis Platform teams (Limited Availability)

With our new team-to-team copy feature you can pick packages and data pools to copy from one Celonis Platform team to another. The feature can check for any missing dependencies on other items that you didn't select for copying, and add them automatically. When you've set up a batch copy, you can rerun it whenever you want - we keep a log of both successful and failed runs and track progress while the copy is running. For data pools, the team-to-team copy feature doesn’t copy over your extracted and transformed data, just the configuration for the data pool - so you can use it to transfer a sandbox setup to a production team.

You can read more at Team-to-team copy. Note that packages with Action Flows can’t be copied. The team-to-team copy feature is in Limited Availability status. If you want to try it out, ask your Celonis Celonis Platform contact.

Process Adherence Manager (2023-10-11)
Create to-be models and compare your actual process behaviors

Process Adherence Manager's new user journey enables you to create a target model by mining a selection of "healthy" variants from the as-is behaviors shown in your data, and editing them into a to-be model that describes how your process should behave. You can then explore how the actual behaviors in your data deviate from the desired behavior in your target model. Process Adherence Manager calculates what the impact of each deviation is - especially on the throughput time - and how often it occurs.

You can filter your data at the mining, modeling, and exploration stages to limit the scope if you want to. We've enhanced Process Adherence Manager's performance so the number of object types and event log entries is no longer limited, though the row limit for the underlying data still applies.

Process Adherence Manager was previously called Process Sphere.

Studio (2023-10-09)
Translate your apps into multiple languages

Use our new localization feature to provide multi-language support for your apps. You'll find a Translations tab in the package settings - go there and click Enable Translations to activate the feature for that package.

You can pick the app's default language and activate any of the nine supported languages. Then work with your translations in a CSV file or directly in Studio. For Knowledge Models and Views, we capture all attributes that you haven't yet translated and flag them for you. There's also a preview button so you can view translated assets in the alternate languages. When you've published the package, end users see the app in the language set in their Celonis Platform profile. See: Languages / translations.

Changes to Skill availability (2023-10-05)

From October 5, 2023, some less-used Actions for Skills that you can build using Action Flows will no longer be available in teams by default. They'll still work in your existing apps, you just can't use them in new ones. We encourage you to use Action Flows going forward.

The items that won’t be available by default are the Webhook sensor, and the following Actions: Automation Anywhere (Agent), Blueprism (Agent), Coupa, Create Alert (Celonis), Update New Attribute (Celonis), Reload Data Model (Celonis), Firestart (Agent), Gmail, Gsheet, Gcalendar, Happyfox, Jira cloud, Jira (Agent), LeverX (Agent), Microsoft PA, Microsoft Teams, Oracle (Agent), Office 365, Salesforce, Salesforce (Sandbox), ServiceNow, Slack, SOAP, SAP (Agent), Trello, UiPath, UiPath (Agent), Workato, Webhook. Also, all the older and deprecated apps and actions that have already been de-listed won’t be available by default.

If you can't move to Action Flows right now, or there's a particular Action in this list that you rely on, contact the support team at .

We’ll also be enabling some Sensors and Actions for Skills by default for all teams. The Machine Learning Sensor, Manual Sensor, and Smart Sensor will be available by default, and the following Actions: the Execution Output, Filter, Loop, and Router system actions, and the Celonis actions Create PDF Report, Create Task, Email by Celonis, Email (SMTP), Execute Action Flow, Execute ML Notebook, Execute Process Automation Skill, Get Assignee, Get Task(s), Query Data Model, Update Augmented Attribute, Update Task(s), Write Data to Table, and Write Data To Table (Continuous Data Push API).