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FAQs : Analysis UI

Analysis ID and Sheet ID and changes when moving or duplication analyses



What is the Analysis ID?

Each analysis link contains an analysis ID and a sheet ID:

example: .cloud/process-mining/analysis/343fa47c-1b34-457b-ba82-f9bf43b4d21a/link/frontend/documents/343fa47c-1b34-457b-ba82-f9bf43b4d21a/view/sheets/667c1e17-38b5-4244-a701-666d362f67e5/b/4cb38ded-6bfc-46e3-b583-f655fe81ddb2

Analysis ID in this link is: 343fa47c-1b34-457b-ba82-f9bf43b4d21a

What is the Sheet ID?

Each analysis link contains an analysis ID and a sheet ID:

example: .cloud/process-mining/analysis/343fa47c-1b34-457b-ba82-f9bf43b4d21a/link/frontend/documents/343fa47c-1b34-457b-ba82-f9bf43b4d21a/view/sheets/667c1e17-38b5-4244-a701-666d362f67e5/b/4cb38ded-6bfc-46e3-b583-f655fe81ddb2

Sheet ID in this link is: 667c1e17-38b5-4244-a701-666d362f67e5

Where can an Analysis ID and a Sheet ID be used?

Analysis and Sheet IDs can be used to link the analysis to the action engine, transformation center, ML workbench, process automation and process repository.

What changes CHANGE the Analysis ID and the Sheet ID?

A new ID is generated and the links in the new ID are broken:

  • Moving, deleting or duplicating an analysis creates a new analysis and therefore a new Analysis ID; if you duplicate an analysis, the initial Analysis ID stays the same but the new duplicated analysis will have a new Analysis ID.

  • Deleting a sheet removes the Sheet ID.

  • Duplicating a sheet creates a new sheet with a new Sheet ID.

What changes DO NOT change the Analysis ID and the Sheet ID?

These IDs remain the same and the links do not break:

  • Renaming of analysis or sheet.

  • Any changes in the analysis settings.

  • Publishing new versions of the analysis.

What happens to Analysis IDs and Sheet IDs if users duplicate or move the analysis between workspaces or between different teams?

  • There is always a unique Analysis ID so duplicating or moving the analysis between workspaces or to another teamwill lead to the creation of a new Analysis ID.

  • There is always a unique Sheet ID therefore duplicating or moving the analysis between workspaces or to another teamwill lead end to the creation of a new Sheet ID.

What happens to bookmarks in the analysis if users duplicate or move an analysis between workspaces or teams?

Bookmarks will be lost. This is because different teams, workspaces and analyses may have different users and copying all bookmarks created by all users creates an overhead. Bookmarks may be created manually after moving or duplicating analyses.

What happens to existing links to Action Engine if users duplicate or move the analysis between workspaces or between different teams?

Duplicating or moving an analysis inside one team does not break links to the Action Engine but moving to other teams breaks this link because the Action Engines in various teams are different.

What happens to existing links to Transformation Center if users duplicate or move the analysis between workspaces or between different teams?

  • Duplicating or moving an analysis in one team or moving an analysis to another team will not include the link to the Transformation Center because a new Analysis ID will be created and that will break the link.

  • Duplicating an analysis in one team does not break links to Transformation Center in the original analysis unless the original analysis is deleted.

What happens to the existing links to ML Workbench if users duplicate or move the analysis between workspaces or between different teams?

  • Due to the changes of Analysis ID on moving or duplicating the analysis, the links in ML Workbench will need to be manually fixed because ML Workbench will the old Analysis IDs from the other analysis.

  • The links to the original analysis won't break.

What happens to the existing links to Process Repository, if users duplicate or move the analysis between workspaces or between different teams?

You can add links to analyses in the Process Repository. Moving or duplicating analyses does not change the link in the process repository. You may manually update the links in the attributes in the repository.

Throughput time calculation



Why does the throughput time differ in the Process Explorer and a Single KPI component?

There are two possible reasons for this:

  • Rounding issues: The throughput time in the Process Explorer is calculated with the SOURCE / TARGET operator by mapping the timestamps via REMAP_TIMESTAMP to SECONDS. Afterward, the result is converted to MINUTES/HOURS/ DAYS in the frontend. If the throughput time calculation in the Single KPI is done by mapping the timestamps via REMAP_TIMESTAMP to, this can cause differences in the two results.

  • Different ways of calculation: The throughput time in the Process Explorer is calculated by using the SOURCE / TARGET operator. If the throughput time calculation in the Single KPI is done with another operator, this might cause differences in the results.

Why don't the throughput time numbers in the Variant Explorer add up?

The variant explorer can show the throughput time in two different ways:

  • The median throughput time of all cases belonging to a variant, right next to its case coverage.

  • The throughput time between each activity by switching the edge KPI to throughput time.

You might expect that adding all the throughput times between the activities will lead to the same number as shown right next to the case coverage. This is not always the case. A possible deviation is caused by adding median results. The throughput time is calculated by taking the median. In general, the median is more robust against outliers but there is no guarantee that the sum of medians of subgroups returns the same result as the median over the whole group.

Conformance calculations



How do I use the results of the Conformance Checker in other parts of the analysis, for example in an OLAP table?

You can store the conformance query to a variable. You can then build your advanced conformance analysis using the related PQL in other components.

Where is it possible to see the Conformance Checker documentation and examples?

The complete overview of the Conformance Checker and examples of using conformance queries in the analysis are provided here.

Other questions



Are nested variables supported in the Analysis UI?

Nested Variables are not supported in the analysis UI. They are supported in Views in the Studio.

Are there restrictions for exporting data from analysis UI?

See Export for further information.

Overall, data export is allowed for full cloud solutions and a data model must exist in the event collection. Demo data models are not allowed for data export.