Action Flows for Material Emissions app
There are two optional Action Flows that allow the user to share a report that comes from an Analysis:
Lower Emissions Alternative Suppliers (Spend)
Lower Emissions Alternative Suppliers (Weight)
To create an Action Flow for Material Emission app:
Download both Action Flows using this link.
Create two Action Flows. Do this by creating an empty AF in your package and importing the blueprint file.
Add a webhook.
Replace the App Link variable value with the link to the view you wish to share with your team.
Create a connection using a new API key (make sure the API key has the proper permissions) and confirm you are using the correct analysis and sheet to create the report.
Create a Google connection to send the email.
Toggle on Generate Report and Send Email.
You've configured the Action Flow. To run this Action Flowince it is only triggered by a Skill. See XYZ