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Updating an on-premise extractor

Our on-prem agents and extractors are available from the Download Portal in Celonis. Go to Admin and Settings > Download Portal to get and update them, and to see the full release notes. You'll need to be an Admin or an Analyst with the permission MANAGE DOWNLOAD PORTAL for access.

For the Skill agent package, contact Celonis support.

JDBC Extractor

We've recently upgraded to Java 17. From version 2.80.1 of the JDBC extractor, you're required to upgrade your Java version to at least Java 17 to ensure compatibility and leverage the latest enhancements and security features. With version 2.82.0, we’ve removed some additional steps from the upgrade process, so use this or a later version of the extractor package.

Make sure that all the other requirements of the extractor server are fulfilled. For the complete requirements, see System requirements.

Follow these steps to upgrade your on-premise JDBC extractor package, and upgrade to Java 17 or higher if you need to. Java 17 is the minimum required version, and we’ve carried out our testing with it.

  1. If you're upgrading from a version of the JDBC extractor earlier than 2.82.0, and need to upgrade your Java version, first install Java 17 (or higher) in your local environment. System requirements has the exact Java package requirements. Update your environment settings to use Java 17 (or the higher version you installed) as the default Java version.

  2. Download the latest extractor package for the JDBC extractor from Admin and Settings > Download Portal in Celonis. You'll need to be an Admin or an Analyst with the permission MANAGE DOWNLOAD PORTAL for access.

  3. If you've customized the JDBC extractor's YAML configuration file application-local.yml, proxy configuration file proxy.yml, or XML configuration file CelonisJdbcExtractor.xml, save a copy of these files from the existing extractor directory.

  4. In a sandbox environment, create a new directory, and install the new version of the extractor package into it. The package creates subdirectories and extracts the files from the jar file. (It's important to do this in a new directory, rather than replacing the jar file in the existing directory, so that the new package can fully validate that it's been correctly installed.)

  5. If you're upgrading from a version of the JDBC extractor earlier than 2.82.0, transfer your customizations for the file CelonisJdbcExtractor.xml, to the CelonisJdbcExtractor.xml file supplied with the new version of the extractor package. You need to use the updated version of this file from 2.82.0 or later.

  6. If you've already upgraded to 2.82.0 or beyond, replace the CelonisJdbcExtractor.xml file in your new directory with your customized version.

  7. Replace the YAML configuration file application-local.yml, and the proxy configuration file proxy.yml, in your new directory, with your customized versions if applicable. (You don't need to retain the updated versions of these files.)

  8. Start the new version of the extractor following the instructions in "Step D: Run The Extractor" in How do I set up an on-premise Extractor?

  9. Verify in your sandbox environment that the extractor is working correctly.

  10. When you're happy with the installation, install the new version of the extractor in your production environment in the same way.

  11. Stop and uninstall the older version of the extractor when the new service is working correctly in production.