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Celonis Product Documentation

Sheets in Analysis UI
  • Creation and configuration on a new sheet can be done only in the edit mode by an analyst.

  • Sheet actions can be accessed by right click on the sheet tab name.

  • Sheet options can be accessed with a double click on the sheet tab name.

Sheet navigation in the Analysis UI
  1. Navigate to a sheet: All sheets/apps in analyses can be navigated to with the tabs at the bottom.

  2. All the following options and settings on sheets require you to switch the edit mode/draft. The draft can only be accessed if you have edit rights on the analysis.

Creating sheets/apps in the Analysis UI
  1. Add a sheet with the plus button next to all existing sheets at the bottom.

  2. Select to create a new app/empty sheet or a fullscreen app such as the Process Overview, Process Explorer, Conformance, Social or the Case Explorer.

Sheet actions in the Analysis UI

Right-click the sheet tab to open the sheet actions.

  1. Enter the sheet settings to set a sheet filter.

  2. Duplicate the sheet. This creates a copy of the sheet in the same analysis.

  3. Delete the sheet.

Sheet options

Double-click to open the sheet options.

  1. Set the sheet name.

  2. Select the sheet format. Choose between a fullscreen option, which will adjust the sheet canvas to fit your screen, a fixed width which will set a fixed width of 1200px and allow you to set a custom height, and the A4 format for optimized layouts on sheets you want to export regularly.

  3. On the load script, you can set sheet filters. Those follow the general filter syntax and will filter down all components used on the sheet.