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Celonis Product Documentation

Connecting multiple teams to the same extractor

If you want to connect to multiple teams with the same extractor (e.g. a productive and a test team), you do so by following the steps below (for Windows only).


The following file names refer to the SAP extractor. The exact same steps can be performed for other on-premise extractor types. Simply replace "Sap" with the name of the connection type.


  • one on-premise extractor has been correctly set up


  1. Copy the following files and append a suffix for all of them:

    • CelonisSapExtractor.exe

    • CelonisSapExtractor.xml

    • application-local.yml

  2. Adapt the newly created configuration file application-local<YOUR_SUFFIX>.yml:

    • change the URL to connect to another team

    • change client ID and client secret (follow the steps to generate these like for the case for one on-premise extractor)

  3. Adapt the newly created service definition file CelonisSapExtractor<YOUR_SUFFIX>.xml:

        <description>SAP ERP extractor of the Celonis IBC</description>
        <arguments>\temp -Dspring.config.location=application-local<YOUR_SUFFIX>.yml -jar connector-sap.jar serve</arguments>

    The following lines need to be changed:

    • id of the service

    • name of the service

    • arguments - here we need to link to the newly created configuration file (*.yml)

  4. Adapt the scripts: Adapt the end of the files referring to the newly created service file (*.exe):

    • install.bat:

      CelonisSapExtractor.exe install
      CelonisSapExtractor.exe start
      CelonisSapExtractor<YOUR_SUFFIX>.exe install
      CelonisSapExtractor<YOUR_SUFFIX>.exe start
    • startup.bat

      CelonisSapExtractor.exe start
      CelonisSapExtractor<YOUR_SUFFIX>.exe start
    • shutdown.bat

      CelonisSapExtractor.exe stop
      CelonisSapExtractor<YOUR_SUFFIX>.exe stop
  5. Run the install script.