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Celonis Product Documentation

Using Content-cli


Content-CLI is available inside the ML Workbench or ready to install on your local machine from this open source repository:

You can find documentation on all the commands, updates, and usage in this Github repository:

Migrating content with content-cli

Watch the Celonis Academy video on migrating the content with content-cli.


Using content-cli in the Machine Learning Workbench

If you choose to use it in the machine learning workbench, please follow these steps.

  1. Go the the ML workbench and create a new app.

  2. Choose a terminal or a Notebook.

  3. Start using the Content-CLI.


    Tip: type the following command to learn about all available commands.

    content-cli --help

    If you use the content-cli inside a notebook, add ! in front to run the command.

    !content-cli --help

What can content-cli do?

Here's a summary of the main functionality.

For profiles, you can list all the stored profiles, create a new profile, or set a profile as default.

You can pull an analysis, a skill, an objective, a data pool, or an asset from Studio or from a package.

You can push an analysis to a workspace, push a .ctp (Celonis 4 transport) file to create a package, push a skill to a project, push a widget, push data pools, push assets to Studio, or push packages to Studio.

You can update a data pool from a data pool configuration file.

Finally, you can list the available packages.