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Celonis Product Documentation

Authenticating on-prem clients manually

If for any reason you can't authenticate on-prem clients on your machine by using the installer or through the command line, follow this manual authentication process.

  • Go to the extracted folder:

    • To authenticate the Automation client:

      1. Open application-local.yml.

      2. Enter the value for the package-id setting:

        1. Go to the shared folder.

        2. Open package-manifest.json.

        3. Copy the packageId value.

        4. Paste the copied value in the package-id field in application-local-yml.

      3. Repeat the steps for the ‘env’ and “team-domain” settings.

    • To authenticate the SAP extraction client:

      1. Follow the same procedure as for the automation agent.


We recommend creating separate appkeys for each on-prem client.

  1. Go to Celonis Platform > Admin & Settings > Applications and create an appkey. See Registering Application Key.


    Make sure to save the name of the appkey somewhere so you can refer to it in the next step.

  2. From the on-prem clients > automation-agent folder, open application-local.yml and paste the appkey for the agent.

  3. Go to Celonis Platform > Admin & Settings > Permissions.

  4. Find "On-Prem Automation" and click Edit.

  5. Find the appkey you created in previous steps.

  6. Give this appkey the Register Agent permission.

    This will automatically add VIEW AGENTS permission.

Use one of the following methods:

  • Management Tool: (recommended)

    1. Go to the corresponding tab (automation agent or extractor agent).

    2. Click install.

    3. Click start.

  • Command line

    Install on-prem clients by running commands from your command line tool:

    1. Go to the automation-agent folder.

    2. Open CelonisAgent.xml.

    3. Under <service>, provide the <id> parameter with a unique name, for example: celonis-agent-[packageId].

    4. Save the file and exit.

    5. Open the command line as administrator at the automation-agent location.

    6. Run:

      CelonisAgent.exe install
    7. Run:

      CelonisAgent.exe start
    8. Repeat these steps for the SAP extraction client.

Use one of the following methods:

  • Management Tool: (recommended)

    1. Go to the corresponding tab (automation agent or extractor agent).

    2. Click install.

    3. Click start.

  • Management Tool using the command line:

    This option allows you to install on-prem clients using a command line application that you navigate through with your keyboard.

    1. In the terminal, go to the shared folder and run:

      sudo ./opc-management-tool-cli
    2. Go to the corresponding tab (automation agent or extractor agent).

    3. Click install.

    4. Click start.

  • Command line:


    To make sure you don't run into any permissions-related issues, complete the next step: 4. Assign permissions to on-prem clients

    1. Open terminal.

    2. Run:

      ‘sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/celonis-automation-agent-<PACKAGE-ID-HERE>.service’
    3. Paste the following (make sure to edit the paths to match your on-prem clients installation path):

      Description=Celonis on premise agent to execute automation type of tasks. This agent belongs to dk-test-OPC package.
    4. Save the file.

    5. Run:

      sudo systemctl daemon-reload
    6. Run:

      sudo systemctl enable celonis-automation-agent-<PACKAGE-ID-HERE>.service
    7. Run:

      sudo systemctl start celonis-automation-agent-<PACKAGE-ID-HERE>.service

    On-prem clients are now running. you can verify that by running:

    systemctl list-units --type=service --all | grep celonis
  1. In your Celonis Platform instance, go to Admin & Settings > On-prem clients.

  2. Find the package that you create and expand it.

  3. Click the three dots icon of the OPC agent you want to authenticate and select Permissions.

  4. Search for the appkey that you created earlier.

  5. Give the Operate Agent appkey necessary permissions and Save.