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Celonis Product Documentation

HTTP (On-Prem) (Action Flow)

The HTTP app provides various modules for communication based on Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP). HTTP is the foundation of data communication for the World Wide Web.

Getting Started with HTTP (On-Prem)

The right choice of the module depends on the authentication/authorization mechanism the resource you wish to access employs:

  • Make a HTTP request - universal module to make an HTTP request to an on-premise systema and process the response


The module dialog fields that are displayed in bold (in the Celonis Action Flow, not in this documentation article) are mandatory!

Make a HTTP request

A universal module to make an HTTP request to an on-premise system and process the response.

This module requires the Celonis on-prem client.

1. System connection

System Connection Name

Define a name for your new system connection e.g. HTTP POST ABC


Enter a URL you want to send a request to, e.g., API endpoint, website, etc.

2. App configuration


Select the HTTP method you want to use e.g.:


to retrieve information for an entry.

POSTto create a new entry.


to update/replace an existing entry.

PATCHto make a partial entry update.

DELETEto delete an entry.


Enter the desired request headers. For example, an authorization.

By default, the request does not contain the Accept header. If an unexpected response is returned, try adding the Accept: */* header.

Query String

Enter the desired query key-value pairs.


HTTP Body is the data bytes transmitted in an HTTP transaction message immediately following the headers if there are any to be used.


  • The Content type is Raw.

  • The Body type can be Text, JSON, XML or HTML and needs to be defined in the Headers. e.g. Content-type: application/json


You can parse the respone by using e.g. JSON or XML Parser after the HTTP module.
