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Celonis Product Documentation

Viewing apps

Once a package has been published, it can be viewed as an App by team members with the necessary viewing permissions. This allows them to interact with the app, taking advantage of the Views and related features that you've created.

To learn how to publish the latest version of your package, see: Publishing and version control.

To understand how to assign permissions within Studio, see: Studio Permissions.

Viewing the published version of your app

As an editor, you can view the published version of your apps from your space overview page. Click Options > Open in Apps:


Alternatively, app users with the necessary permissions can either access your app directly from a link or by clicking Apps on the main menu:


App features

When viewing an app, the available features depend on the View and component settings selected by the editor. These settings can included enabling and disabling advanced filtering, the ability to interact with charts and tables, and switching content languages.

To understand your View settings options, see: View settings.

To configure your View component settings, see: Components.

When enabled, advanced filtering allows you to filter your current View based on selected data in the connected Knowledge Model.

To create a filter for the data you're viewing in an app, click Filters - Add:


You can then select from the data in the Knowledge Model:


Once created, your filters are applied to the View and saved in the tool bar. From here, you can enable, disabled, and remove the filter:


Depending on how the View has been set up, you may also be able to see the number of cases where a case could be, for example, a sales order. If no filters have been applied, you'll see 100% of the cases in your View. As you apply filters, the percentage and number of cases displayed changes.

  • For case-centric process mining: The case count is based on the case table that you’ve defined in the Data Model.

  • For object-centric process mining: The case count is based on the lead object in the default event log for the perspective.

With a Celonis-supplied perspective, you can’t change the default event log. With a custom perspective, the case count is based on the default event log that you select for the perspective.


When enabled for each individual component, you can click into the data and apply a temporary filter to both that component and any other component where filtering is enabled. This filter can then be saved using the tool bar. This filter applies for your existing session and only for your user account, meaning that other users won't see this filter and nor will it be applied to the View the next time you load it.

In this example, one month has been selected and a filter can be applied across the View:


Bookmarks allow you to save your favorite user preference (including filters, selections, component states) of a View and share them with your team. You can create and access bookmarks in View mode only, so they can't be added when creating your View in Studio.

To create a bookmark while in View mode, click Bookmarks > Create bookmark:


Once created, you can manage existing bookmarks from the same menu. Here you can update, share or unshare, edit, and delete the bookmark.



Bookmarks are deleted automatically after 180 days if they are not used or if the associated assets or spaces are deleted.

For more information about configuring bookmarks, see Legacy view bookmarks.

Using dates in bookmarks

If you save a bookmark that refers to the current date (which would be equivalent to the TODAY() function in PQL), the actual value of the date you save it is used. For example, if you save the bookmark on January 31, 2024, that date is locked into the logic permanently.

To create a bookmark that automatically updates with the current value of today each time it is used, we recommend that you create a dropdown with PQL such as this:

CASE WHEN PU_LAST ( "VBAK" , ROUND_DAY ( "VBKD"."FKDAT" ) ) <= TODAY() THEN 'Billing Date in the past/today' ELSE 'Billing Date in the future' END

The TODAY() function will be evaluated each time you use the dropdown and will always represent the actual calendar date.

This allows you to access and share a URL for this app, with the recipient needing the necessary team permissions to be able to access it.

To understand permissions within the new Studio experience, see: Studio Permissions.


If the content of an app has been translated into supported languages, you can switch between them using the Translations menu:


To learn more about translating app content, see: Languages / translations.

Here you can choose between restoring the default View and entering display mode:

Restoring the default View: This will remove any changes you've made to your View by restoring the default View settings. This includes removing applied filters, resetting variables, unsorting tables etc. When restoring the default View, this only impacts your current View and not those displayed to other users.

Display mode: The display mode temporarily removes all navigation elements and surrounding browser elements to allow you to fully focus on the View.
