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Celonis Product Documentation




And gateway

In the event of branching, all subsequent paths run in parallel.

Back Loop gateway

Used to model a loopback.


Required for differentiations following OR and Either-OR gateways.

Connecting object

Celonis Process Management automatically adds connection lines/edges between process flow objects and to objects.

Converging gateway

Used to merge different paths before continuing the process flow.

Detail Content

The workspace on the right-hand side to enter detailed information about processes, objects or process flow objects.

Draw Area

Central workspace under PROCESSES > editor sub-navigation. Used for the graphical modelling of processes or diagrams.

Draw Settings

The workspace on the right-hand side under PROCESSES > editor sub navigation. Used to customize the objects for graphical modelling with regards to position, size, colour, etc.

Editor toolbar

Toolbar above the Draw Area. Used to specify different views and provides access to other features (attaching links or images, etc.).

Either-OR gateway

Used to differentiate between mutually-exclusive alternatives. Depending on the branch conditions, the process flow will continue with one outgoing branch. In the event of a merge, the program waits for the incoming active edge, before continuing the process.


Used to end the process sequence. This symbol must be used at the end of each sub-process.


Marks the achievement of a defined condition within the process, such as a milestone.


Blue menu bar for basic settings, help, feedback and search.

Main Content

Central workspace which displays the contents of the selected process level, for example as illustrations or tables.

Main Navigation

Main process/object used for structuring the processes. Is used for higher levels and can include other main processes and sub-processes.

Main Process

Main process/object used for structuring the processes. Is used for higher levels and can include other main processes and sub-processes.


Default MS Word document that can be generated in Celonis Process Management for processes and organizational units. Represents defined contents with illustrations and tables.


Gray menu bar used to navigate to the processes, objects and pending tasks in the taskboard. Is divided into a main navigation and a sub navigation area.

Navigation Content

Workspace on the left-hand side. Used to navigate through all levels of the process house.


Describes a main process or sub-process in detail. Objects are accessed via the navigation bar, e.g. ORGANIZATION, IT.

OR gateway

In the event of branching, one or more path(s) will be followed (depending on the conditions).

Process toolbar

Menu above or below a process flow object. Used to select the predecessor or successor object on the sub-process level.

Process flow object

Object which describes the process architecture and the process sequence: main process, sub-process, start, end, event, task, interface shape, gateways, conditions.

Process House

Model containing all main processes and sub-processes on their respective levels. The default categories are:

  • Management Processes

    Core Processes

    Support Processes

RACI method

Categorizes responsibilities to describe which role is responsible for which activity where:

  • R = Responsible

  • A = Accountable

  • C = Consulted

  • I = Informed.


Icon to start a process (sub-process) sequence. Required at the beginning of each sub-process.

Stencil Pool

Workspace on the left-hand side under PROCESSES > editor sub navigation. Provides a selection of templates for different object types that are used for the graphical modelling of processes or diagrams.

Sub Navigation

Lower part of the navigation bar. Used to navigate within a previously selected main navigation area with a selection of views/versions.

Sub Process

Object used to structure the processes. It is used at a lower level, can contain other sub-processes and may consist of process flow objects.


Celonis Process Management automatically creates a column for each responsible (R) person and assigns tasks accordingly.


Process step/individual activity within a chronologically logical process sequence that is performed by employees.


Menu above the Main Contents area. Allows users to customize views and use other features, such as editing process flow objects or generating manuals.

User role

Role with different permission levels set up by the administrator. Depending on the assigned role, users can either only view processes or they can also actively define and release processes.


User-specific, configurable views, such as end-to-end processes.