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Celonis Product Documentation

Accounts Receivable capabilities

Celonis offers three separate, purpose-built Accounts Receivable apps:

  1. Collections Execution App: Serves as your team’s collections hub, providing team management functionalities, customized views across stakeholders, KPI tracking & analytics, intelligent customer prioritization and assessment of customer risks to supercharge your collections efforts.

    1. Data-driven customer prioritization of customers and balances, combining a wealth of factors including payment history, disputes and last customer contact to optimize collector actions through intelligent insights. Credit information, processed in the Credit Execution App, is included intelligently and in real time.

    2. Task streamlining as common manual steps such as dunning emails, dispute coding or credit approvals are simplified or automated to free up valuable collector time.

    3. Team management functionalities enable lean task assignment and tracking. Team leaders can create tasks within the app, assign actions to team members and coordinate customer ownership. Collectors can capture tactical updates in real time, which the app records within the ERP, and communicate the need for escalation.

    4. Tracks KPIs and data points such as:

      1. Overall Aging

      2. Top 10 customers by Past Due & AR

      3. DSO (current & trending)

      4. Average Days Past Due (DPD)

      5. Average Days to Pay

      6. Weighted Average Payment terms

  1. Disputes Execution App: Remove frictions and holdups from Accounts Receivable processes by tracking dispute impact, accelerating diagnostics and root cause analysis, and enabling dispute resolution at scale.

    1. Easily capture and track disputes within the app, which records relevant data points such as dispute category and reason codes.

    2. Leverage automated escalation by assigning owners and resolvers in the app. Use pre-written templates and easily send follow-up reminders to close out open actions with less effort.

    3. Analyze common root causes for disputes by using built-in metric tracking and categorization capabilities.

    4. Tracks KPIs and data points such as:

      1. Dispute by Status

      2. Dispute by Reason Code

      3. Days to identify (current & trending)

      4. Days to Resolution (current & trending)

      5. Closed Dispute by Resolution Code

      6. Valid vs. invalid disputes

  1. Credit Execution App: Facilitates efficient and accurate credit operations. Data-driven risk assessment combines with centralized customer information to streamline approval processes and minimize risk, while customer onboarding is simplified for end-to-end efficiency.

    1. Assess customers’ credit risk in real-time as the app prepares a prioritized list of customers based on credit utilization, credit exposure and past behavior. Credit limits can be designed to adjust automatically based on parameters, and credit considerations inform customer prioritization in the Collections Execution App.

    2. Drive faster and more accurate credit decisions by leveraging the app’s intelligent credit limit suggestions. See all relevant customer and balance data summarized in one place, while action flows simplify and accelerate the approval process.

    3. Integrate third-party and custom data including from standard credit bureaus and your own scorecards to enhance processing and make more informed decisions.

    4. Tracks KPIs and data points such as:

      1. Accounts near/over Credit Limit

      2. Open/Pending Credit Reviews

      3. Approval Stages

      4. Monthly Review Requests

      5. Customer Risk by External or Internal Credit risk score